How much iron do horses need?
Horses need iron for several important functions in their bodies, just like humans. Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, which is a protein in red blood cells. Hemoglobin transports oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and helps transport carbon dioxide back to the lungs to be exhaled.
If a horse does not get enough iron, it can develop anemia, a condition where the blood has too few red blood cells or where these blood cells do not function properly. This can lead to symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and decreased performance.
Worried about horses getting too much iron?
Some people who contact us are concerned that their horses might get too much iron because the pastures they graze on contain high levels of iron, and they therefore seek a supplement with low iron content. Iron is found in many feeds that horses naturally eat, such as grass and grains. The iron in Activ Mineral is in its natural form from algae meal and is not additionally supplemented. The iron is in an organically bound form that is easy for the horse to metabolize.
How much iron does the horse need?
Activ Mineral contains 370 mg per kg of iron. 1.5 tablespoons, which is 30 grams of Activ Mineral, provides the horse with 11.1 mg of iron. A working horse needs 80-150 mg per 100 kg body weight according to SLU. If you are concerned about getting too much iron from grass and forage, there is still a good margin and a low risk of iron overdose. The maximum tolerance level is 3000 mg per 100 kg body weight.
Worried about horses not getting enough iron?
As we mentioned above, iron has important functions in the body. Neither too little nor too much iron is good for the horse. If you are unsure how much iron your horse is getting in total from grazing, forage, concentrates, and supplements, you can easily ask the veterinarian to take a blood test for minerals on the horse and check. All horses have different needs and abilities to absorb nutrients.