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A unique mineral blend

A unique mineral blend

"Learn more about Activ Minerals composition."

Activ Mineral is a blend that contains organically bound minerals, trace elements, and all amino acids, making it a unique multifunctional product. Since 2004, we at Minerals by Nordic have been feeding the Activ Mineral concept and are convinced that organic minerals have fantastic benefits for horses. The concept for our mineral blend originally comes from the Australian feed expert Pat Coleby, who dedicated his entire life to researching this concept. Our products are GMO-free and registered with the Swedish Board of Agriculture.

Why does the nutritional analysis look different from traditional mineral supplements?
If you look at Activ Mineral's nutritional analysis, it appears different from other traditional mineral supplements, as the majority of those are usually synthetically produced. Activ Mineral's content is based on ingredients with natural and organic sources. Below, we will go through what it contains and why.

Source of minerals and trace elements
Dolomite lime
– Dolomite lime contains, among other things, calcium in the correct ratio to magnesium. Magnesium is needed for enzymes in both the stomach and muscles to function optimally. Calcium is essential for proper bone growth.

Source of minerals and trace elements
High-quality algae meal
- Organically certified Ascophyllum nodosum, always with analyzed results. The algae meal contains incredible amounts of minerals and trace elements. Algae meal is important for the immune system and for resisting internal parasites. The biotin in the algae meal is very good for keeping hooves and coats in good condition. Algae meal contains organically bound minerals and trace elements.

Source of amino acids
- Rich in amino acids and involved in numerous processes in the body, sulfur is crucial for many bodily functions. Sulfur helps make cell walls elastic and more permeable, facilitating the absorption of nutrients and oxygen into cells, while aiding in the removal of waste products. Creatine, vital for coat and hooves, is abundant in sulfur. It is also an essential mineral for hooves, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The chelation process occurs in the horse's large intestine in collaboration with sulfur, making minerals easier to absorb and utilize.

Source of selenium
Selenium methionine - Selenium methionine is a natural form of selenium that is efficiently absorbed by the body. Selenium is important for many bodily functions, helping to protect cells from free radicals that can cause oxidative damage. Selenium also has an impact on the fertility of mares and stallions.

About organic minerals
When it comes to formulating feed rations, traditional practice relies on meeting a horse's needs with synthetic (inorganic) minerals. There is extensive research on the levels that theoretically fulfill a horse's requirements, but the subject is complex. Organically bound minerals are more costly to produce, and a larger dose may be needed to reach the levels assumed by traditional calculations. To achieve better economics in supplement products, the industry has therefore shifted towards synthetic minerals, which are cheaper to produce, meet theoretical needs on paper, and can be diluted with fillers to improve product economics—resulting in larger doses and greater product consumption, leading to more purchases for the customer. Many customers are reluctant to pay the extra cost associated with using organically bound minerals despite their superior absorption. However, if fillers are removed, the daily cost per dose does not exceed that of traditional synthetic minerals. This is what we aim for: an organic mineral blend without fillers and higher bioavailability in the content.

Unfortunately, research on organically bound minerals is quite limited in horses and livestock, but in human research, it has often been demonstrated that organically bound minerals have higher bioavailability. Therefore, they do not require as large a dose as synthetic minerals. The mineral sources in Activ Mineral also interact with sulfur and the amino acids therein, which further supports absorption.

Ensure the entire horse's diet and needs
If you want an overview of the minerals your horse is receiving, you need to consider the entire diet including pasture. Does the horse graze? How much and on nutrient-rich or less nutrient-dense pasture?

Roughage - Do you have an analysis of the roughage and its mineral content? The nutritional value of roughage can vary greatly between fields, so an analysis taken from a small sample of the entire batch provides an indication of its nutrition.

Concentrates - What minerals does the horse get through concentrates and other supplements?

It's also relevant to consider the horse's breed, age, sex, weight, activity level, and whether it's pregnant, a stallion, or lactating.

Blood analysis and mane analysis
To assess the horse's mineral levels and requirements, a blood analysis can provide an immediate snapshot of the levels, which isn't as expensive as it sounds. For a longer-term view, using a reputable mineral analysis laboratory is advisable. Analysis is an exciting way to monitor the horse's status because even though there are guidelines on their nutritional needs, we don't know how efficiently horses process the nutrients we provide them. Similar to humans, where some can thrive on junk food while others must manage their diet perfectly to avoid illness or obesity, horses vary greatly in their nutritional needs.

Feed with your eyes
Let the results of what you feed speak for themselves. Look at your horse: does it have strong hooves, good digestion, a healthy coat, shiny fur, and good energy levels? The diet may need to be reassessed weekly because horses perform differently and may eat different crops in the pasture that affect them or experience temporary imbalances. For us at Minerals by Nordic, the most important thing is the result of the product you feed. If you need precise and accurate values in your horse's diet, Activ Mineral may not be the right product, but it has many beneficial qualities that support the horse. Since it is organically based, the risk of overdosing is lower, and you can potentially feed it alongside other mineral supplements if you want to test it while feeling secure.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us!

Klifton 1329
Klifton 1329 - Approved stallion that has been fed Activ Mineral his whole life.
