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Supplement for horses with respiratory problems

Respiratory problems such as cough are one of the most common diseases for horses and are often associated with a weakened immune system. Here you will find feed supplements for your horse that help keep the airways healthy and support good breathing. Horse feed supplements can support your horse with coughing and breathing problems. Herbs will help your horse strengthen the immune system and breathing problems when, for example, the roughage has too small a proportion of herbs, Omega 3 - DHA fatty acid can support when they are inflammatory causes and vitamin c supports the immune system in viruses and bacterial attacks that cause coughs. If you are unsure of the cause of the respiratory problems, you can test one at a time or combine the products.

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Advice - Contact us if you want help finding the right products for your horse or try our product test.
Visar 1-6 av 6 artiklar
Höveler Herbs Broncho-Fit
Höveler Herbs Leber-Fit
Activ Mineral 1.5 kg
Minerals by Nordic
C Boost 1 kg
Minerals by Nordic
C Boost 4 kg
Minerals by Nordic
Inflaboost DHA 0.8 kg
Minerals by Nordic
A roughage that contains a lot of herbs contributes to a strong immune system. If the roughage contains a smaller amount of different herbs, the horse does not get as much of the important trace elements and essential oils that help keep the immune system strong. Herbal supplements can help your horse with respiratory problems such as coughing, difficulty breathing or nosebleeds. Licorice root, thyme, fennel and anise are examples of herbs that help open up the airways. This herbs plus a few more are found in a well-balanced mixture in Broncho-Fit that can be given as a preventive cure or at regular intervals to make the organs work optimally again.

Omega 3 - DHA
Inflammatory causes of respiratory problems have been shown in science to be able to be helped by omega 3 fatty acid from the microalgae found in Inflaboost DHA. In addition, it increases the circulation in the red blood cells that reflects the body's other cells and provides a more durable cell membrane.

Vitamin C
Another reason for coughing and mucus formation can be common colds, viruses or bacteria that attack the horse. If so, it may be a good idea to support the immune system with sodium ascorbate found in C-Boost.

External factors
Also pay attention to dust, mold and other particles that can trigger the horse's airways. Always feed roughage with the highest possible quality and water the roghhage when feeding if they happen to be a dusty batch. Good indoor environment and to be outdoors can help.

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Advice - Contact us if you want help finding the right products for your horse or try our product test.