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Sanna Forsell - Showjumper

Sanna Forsell - Showjumper

"Martha's saddle compulsion is completely gone!"
"I have been giving products from Minerals by Nordic for a few months & I am incredibly impressed with the results! All the horses eat Activ Mineral, MG Control - magnesium, Höveler Pur.Mash & Inflaboost DHA from Minerals by Nordic. The minerals have given the horses improved fur, skin & hooves! Magnesium helps the nervous and muscular systems of those horses with a lot of blood & nerves. But the best part has been Inflaboost DHA combined with the probiotic PUR.MASH for the horses' gastrointestinal health, given because they often travel for training & competition. Above all, my immensely sensitive mare Martha who easily gets stressed, excited and played with the nerves on the outside which is now experienced as more harmonious. Her saddle compulsion has completely disappeared since she started getting Inflaboost DHA with Höveler PUR.MASH, she has no longer problem with her breath during hard training & competition and she recovers faster after training & competition! "

Sanna Forsell Minerals by Nordic

"Now she can also get half of the concentrate feed she received before because her gastrointestinal health is better and improved absorption capacity, even though she is an extremely difficult-to-breed horse. She has never been so nice in the body, harmonious in the head & performed so well!

Thank you minerals by Nordic for providing the horses with the absolute best supplements for the best conditions 🙏🏽 "

Watch the film when Sanna prepares the feed and tells what she gives and why to Martha:
(English subtitle)
